is a project of the US Branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) dedicated to sharing the facts and spreading the truth about Israel and Christian Zionism.
Non-partisan, objective, and balanced, IsraelAnswers provides a unique online educational resource for the Christian world—and beyond.
Israel Answers
Christian Zionism
Christian Zionism is a set of teachings based in God's promises with roots that go back to the early Church.
Discover Israel
For more than 3,000 years, the Land of Israel has been the beating heart of the Jewish faith.
[ The Israel Answers Blog ]
Jews and Christians Learning to Relate Part 2: Since the Holocaust
In Part 1 of this series, we covered the history of Jewish-Christian relations from the book of Acts through the Holocaust. And while it is a very...
Jews and Christians Learning to Relate Part 3: Advice from Pioneers
Many Evangelical Christians have an appreciation for the Jewish people and would love to be involved in the developing relationship between the two...