Many Western countries continue to call for a two-state solution—an independent state for Palestinians alongside that of Israel. But is this “solution” viable and could it bring peace to the Middle East?
The answer is no—and here are a few reasons why.
1. Palestinians have been brainwashed to believe the only path to peace is the dismantling of Israel.
What the West fails to recognize is that while they are calling for a two-state solution, the Palestinian people don’t want that. They have been schooled since birth to believe their only hope is in one state—a Palestinian state—in the territory now known as Israel. This is why their slogan is: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Translated, that means from the Jordan River (Israel’s eastern border) to the Mediterranean Sea (Israel’s western border), there will be a Palestinian state free of Jews.
There is already one state in that territory—the State of Israel—and some 20 percent of Israel’s population is Arab. Though a minority, they are afforded all the rights of Jewish citizens. They have their own political parties, serve in the Knesset, serve on the Supreme Court, and have even been crowned “Miss Israel.”
If a Palestinian state is created, however, the Jewish minority would most likely not be allowed to remain, according to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who said, “In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli—civilian or soldier—on our lands.” Peace for the Palestinians is a state free of all Jews.
2. Jew hatred is part of Palestinian DNA.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) has historically asserted that Jews are inherently evil and endanger not just Palestinians but all humanity. This rabid antisemitism fosters a culture of hate that permeates textbooks, summer camps, television programs, mosques, and media outlets. From a young age, children are taught to value terrorism and hate Israelis and Jews, the “occupiers” of the Land of Israel. Being a martyr for the Palestinian cause is glorified. Israel is demonized. And Israel’s mere existence is consistently denied.
A December 2023 survey revealed that diplomacy and negotiations are not an option for Palestinians, who believe only violence and armed struggle will end the Israeli “occupation.” The Palestinians simply don’t want to live next to Israel. History proves that at its core, peace is not their goal—a Jew-free state is. Within this context, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is a call for genocide and should be condemned by world powers.
3. Gaza proves the fallacy of the two-state solution.
Over the last 100 years, Palestinian leadership has consistently turned down opportunities to achieve statehood because negotiating borders and final status issues would entail recognizing the existence of Israel.
Lacking a partner to negotiate with, Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in 2005. A Palestinian government was formed but was then quickly taken over by Hamas (a Palestinian terrorist group that calls for not only the annihilation of the Jewish State but all Jewish people). Gaza is prime real estate on the Mediterranean coast and could have become a “Singapore of the Middle East.” Instead, Hamas spent every penny and every waking hour working toward the destruction of Israel.
On October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded southern Israel, massacred over 1,200 people, and took more than 250 others hostage in Gaza. Sources say the roots of the attack can be traced to what Gazan children have been taught in schools—including UNRWA schools—and demonstrate the blinding hatred for Jews that whole generations had been taught.
Gaza was a test of Palestinian statehood, and it was a complete and utter failure. But rather than pushing to eliminate Hamas after what it did to innocent Israelis on that dark day, many nations—including the United States—have pushed harder for a Palestinian state.
Palestinian Statehood Won’t Bring Peace to the Middle East
While world leaders are calling for two states, PA leaders call for genocide and the creation of a “Jew-free” state. Awarding the Palestinians with statehood after the horrific terrorist attack of October 7 would not bring peace to the Middle East; it would only fuel global terrorism and convince the Palestinian people that they can achieve their goals through violence instead of peaceful negotiation.